Jekyll, thou art a villainous foe.
In all good intentions, I had planned that we utilize the “simple blogging site” that is Jekyll and GitHub Pages for communicating the learning objectives of this class. Little did I know, that Jekyll sites are truly miserable to get a handle on. Despite all the resources I have found, there are no good “starting a blog site” instructions for this pairing. The Jekyll help pages are simply that, help pages—no tutorials or templates.
My goals:
- only use markdown rather than HTML (failed)
- you have to create at least one HTML file (i.e., the default.html in _layouts directory)
- have Jekyll static site generator handle all the style (failed)
- Jekyll themes seem to require a style.scss in assets/css, which you don’t realize you need until you go to the theme’s GitHub page
- in my opinion, a modern-day website should include a navigation bar, which Jekyll seems to omit with its themes (I chose the theme slate).
- simply upload blog posts that are automatically rendered to my website (failed)
- to get blog posts on to your website, you have to design a web page and somehow link to your post content, which is not entirely clear
Overall, I am awash with feelings of dissatisfaction.