This week, we take a look at how far we’ve gotten towards modeling our landslide susceptibility. Here’s what’s been done so far.

  1. Decide on a town or city.

    • For this case study, I chose Collbran, Colorado because it was listed as having the largest landslide in Colorado (cite Wikipedia article).
  2. Decide on a CRS

    • I have chosen NAD83 UTM 13N because the datum matches the DEM data I found (see next point) and is also recommended by CDOT (missing link)
  3. Download digital elevation data (e.g., The National Map)

    • I had to download two tiles n40w108 and n40w109 because my town is located near the tile intersection

  4. Project raster(s)

  5. Add city to the map by creating a plain text file (e.g., point.txt), creating an XY Point table (such as the one below), and importing to GIS


  6. Project point

  7. Extract DEM by mask (e.g., buffer or poly)

    • Chose to create a 10 km buffer around my town because the town limits was pretty small and a 10 km buffer area is less than 100,000 acres—the maximum area for downloading a web soil survey spatial map
    • Note: I had to use Cell Statistics to knit together two DEM tiles after mask extraction; I chose to knit after extraction because the files are smaller and processing time would be faster.

  8. Calculate slope

  9. Download soil data (e.g., Soil Web Survey)

    • To get my Area of Interest (AOI), I exported the buffer to a shape file and used the shapefile to set my AOI
    • Soil Web Survey AOI shapefile and tabular data (zip)

  10. Export soils attribute table to CSV (e.g., use ArcGIS Pro’s Table to Table geoprocessing tool)

    0 ,CO682 ,6 ,10 ,496669
    1 ,CO682 ,6 ,48 ,496710
  11. Figure out what the soil survey is actually saying

    • Data is from the Digital General Soil Map of the United States (STATSGO2) database (see Tables and Columns report found here) and uses a map unit key (MUKEY) and map unit symbol (MUSYM) to relate the shapefile’s attribute table to soil information (presumably in the tabular files)
    • Files of interest:
      • comp.txt (link between mapunit key and component key)
      • chorizon.txt (link between component key and horizon key)
      • chunifie.txt (link between horizon key and horizon unified classification)
      • muagatt.txt (link between map unit symbol and minimum bedrock depth, cm)
    • I need to build a table that matches map unit key –> component key –> horizon key –> unified classification –> angle of friction/cohesion
    • First attempt at adding ASCII table to ArcGIS Pro failed (everything dumped into a single field; so, it doesn’t seem to recognize the pipe character “|” as a delimiter)


So it turns out that neither MUSYM nor MUKEY in the attribute table matches anything in any of the files in the tabular directory; so, that’s about three hours gone.